
検索キーワード「Atlanta campaign」に一致する投稿を表示しています

70以上 ringgold gap georgia 142200-Ringgold gap ga

Ringgold Gap The Battle of Ringgold Gap was fought , in northwest Georgia during the Chattanooga Campaign of the American Civil War  1 of 6 On Saturday, a number of Civil War reenactors gathered in Ringgold's Clark Park to relive the famous Battle of Ringgold Gap from 1863 (Catoosa News photo/Adam Cook)Tornado activity Ringgoldarea historical tornado activity is slightly above Georgia state averageIt is 49% greater than the overall US average On 4/3/1974, a category F4 (max wind speeds 7260 mph) tornado 249 miles away from the Ringgold city center killed 9 people and injured 67 people and caused between $500,000 and $5,000,000 in damages On , a category 1 Ringgold gap ga